Little Announcement

This is just a little announcement that I will be taking a break from this blog for a little while.  I will not post featured blogposts on a regular basis, but it does not mean that my interest in pens and stationery ceases.  I will still be around and experiment with what I have as usual.

Meanwhile, if you have any suggestions as to what you like to see on this blog in the future, feel free to either leave a comment or click on the “contact” tab on the bar.

From top to bottom:  Waterman Allure, Stipula Vedo, Pelikan M205 Duo, and Pilot Namiki VP

10 thoughts on “Little Announcement

  1. It's such a nice thing from you to let us know that you're going on an “hiatus” (I just usually fall off the face of blogland haha). And don't worry, if you post, I'll see as I have you on my RSS reader 🙂

    I'd love to see more of your pens, maybe not a full review, but just a couple lines like “Hey! these are my pens in rotation”. I'm nosy, but I love to see peoples' combination of ink/pen 😀


  2. Whaaa a hiatus?!?! … If it is to cook and bake delicious foods and cookies, I accept, so long as you mail it all to me. Just kidding. I hope all is well and that you'll keep posting Auggie pictures (you know I need my daily fix). And like E said, as soon as you post, my RSS will let me know so I can read whatever you've written 😀 Take care XOXO


  3. Haha.. I might have done reviews on all the pens I have already, besides the more common Safari and Kaweco IceSport. Color and pen matching is done by my whim, with very little rhyme or reason, besides the obvious no dry pen with dry ink type of combination.
    I hope I will be back.. with some new ideas!


  4. Hiatus is good, since I doubt you want to see the same old posts playing broken record 😉 Blog writing should not be a chore, especially it is not quite my full-time job yet, so taking a break might help me gaining new perspectives, at least I hope so.
    Auggie should really have his own channel by now, and I bet he will be more popular than this blog!


  5. LOL well you haven't reached broken record, don't worry. … Full time job, okay, that I can understand. I suppose your REAL job may have other demands. As for Auggie having his own channel, well, I approve of him on YouTube!!


  6. Only IF my real job is demanding! I think the upkeep of this blog might more time consuming than my real job 😉 Time is much needed to reflect on what I should do with this blog. After all, review posts are only possible if new items are acquired….


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